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3/19/23 MCAA Competition Winners' Recital, Harris Theatre at GMU: Antong, Samuel, Chloe as accompanist


3/17-18/23 Spring Festival: 13 Concerto and 18 Solo entries


3/11/23 Grades 4-12 Concerto Festival: 3rd Place, Annabelle


3/5/23 TK Competition Winners' Recital


3/4/23 TK Competition Winners: 1st place, Kayleen; 3rd place, Alice; 1st place, Antong; 2nd place, Madison; 2nd place, Chloe; 2nd place, Samuel


3/4/23 Grades K-3 Concerto Festival: 2nd Place, Alice


3/3/23 Masterclass with Dr. Kingma, winner of Liszt Competition, presented by the Manassas Symphony: Chloe, Antong


2/25/23 Bach Baroque Honors Recital: Antong


2/24/23 Winners of the Mason Academy Competition: Samuel, Antong. They have been invited to play at the Honors Recital at Harris Theatre.


2/20/23 Accepted to Interlochen Arts Camp and Philadelphia International Music Festival: Chloe


2/18/23 Bach/Baroque Festival/Competition: Antong, Samuel, Grace, Vickie, Eano, Madison. Antong won the competition and was invited to the Honors Recital.


2/11/23 Theory Mastery Day: Chloe 4, Antong 2B, Alice 1B, Patrick 6


2/7/23 Reston Bland Competition performance: Antong


2/5/23 NVMTA Recitals at the Woman’s Club of Arlington: Grace, Sam, Neev, Victoria H., Madison, Simran, Colin, Annabelle


1/14/23 Robert Spencer Concerto Competition: Chloe and Antong. Chloe performed her concerto and also accompanied Antong! Antong won 3rd place.


1/8/23 Sight Reading Skills Day at GMU: Chloe, Antong, Alice


1/7/23 Masterclass with Grammy-nominated Dr. Kara Huber from Interlochen: Chloe, Jasper, Antong, Alice, Annabelle, Madison, Grace, Neev, Victoria W.


11/5/22 Fall Festival at Cherrydale United Methodist Church


10/8/22 NYC Carnegie Hall performance with Instituto Superior de Artes: Samuel, Victoria, Dylan, Mara, and Ms. Faith’s Trio


RCM exams passed so far this school year: Prep A: Aalia; Prep B: Victoria H., Colin; Level 1: Colin; Level 2: Eano; Level 4: Annabelle, Madison; Level 5: Antong; Level 6: Neev, Vickie; Level 7: Patrick




Royal Conservatory of Music Virginia State Certificate Award (for the highest score in the state of Virginia in the RCM 5 exam): Grace


Masterclass with Dr. Ernest Barretta from the Juilliard School of Music, August 2022: Neev


Masterclass with Darya Gabay from the Levine School of Music, August 2022: Jeffrey, Antong


Mason Summer Piano Academy, August 2022: Week 1: Jeffrey, Antong; Week 2: Neev


Chambana International Music Competition, 8/2/22: Antong, Division 3 Solo, 1st Place; Chloe, Division 4 Solo, 2nd Place. Antong, Concerto Division, 2nd Place; Chloe, Concerto Division, 3rd Place


Students play concerto solos with orchestra, 7/18/22 and 8/1/22: Sam, Chloe, Annabelle, Kayleen, Antong, Alice


June 2022: Interlochen Arts Camp High School Piano Intensive: Victoria W.


July 2022: 1st Place, Junior Division of the Valencia International Piano Academy Competition in Spain: Chloe


Carnegie Hall in NYC, AFAF Concerto Competition Winners’ Concert, 5/28/22: Grace


Sonata Festival, 5/22/22: 2nd Round Award: Samuel, Grace, Chloe, Kayleen, Eano


NVMTA Piano Achievement Awards Competition, 5/7/22: Antong, Level 1, Honorable Mention; Chloe, Level 2, Honorable Mention. 


AFAF International Concerto Competition, 4/12/22: Grace, 3rd Place


NVMTA Judged Recital 14&Up, 4/10/22: Samuel, Honorable Mention (equivalent to 2nd Place in this competition)


NVMTA Judged Recital 13&Under, 4/10/22: Antong, Honorable Mention (equivalent to 2nd Place in this competition)


4-12 Concerto Festival, 3/13/22: Chloe, 2nd Place


K-3 Concerto Festival, 3/5/22: Antong, 1st Place


Bach/Baroque Competition, 2/26/22: Chloe, Honors Recital Competition Winner & 2nd Round; Antong, Superior


Lincoln Center in NYC, AFAF Concerto Competition Winners’ Concert, 2/19/22: Antong


NVMTA Theory Mastery Day, 2/12/22: Antong, 2A; Chloe, 3B


NVMTA Sight Reading Day, 1/9/22: Antong, 2; Chloe, 4


Carnegie Hall in NYC, AFAF Concerto Competition Winners’ Concert, 12/11/21: Samuel, Keira


Great Composers Competition, Best Kabalevsky Performance, 12/30/21: Samuel, 2nd Prize


2021 YMIC Metropolitan Music Festival Competition, 12/21: Samuel, 3rd Place


Fall Festival, 11/13/21: Grace, Eano, Vickie, Madison, Samuel, Neev, Kesav, Antong, Chloe, Sarah, Kayleen


2021-2022 RCM exams: 41 exams passed from levels Prep A to Level 10 among my students


Royal Conservatory of Music Southeast Region Celebration of Excellence Recital, 12/18/21: These students earned top scores in the previous year for the state of Virginia RCM exams and submitted videos to the RCM recital: Annabelle; Emerie; Madison; Grace; Chloe; Jayden; Keira. Additionally, Annabelle, Madison, and Keira were named Gold Medalists for being in the top RCM exam scores out of the 7-state region. You can watch the recital videos here: 



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